Our online bookstore for local sales was created in the middle of 2020 when, due to the pandemic, libraries were closed and we were unable to hold book sales. It carried us through those difficult times.
Now, as we look through the books that come to us as donations, we find certain books that have significant value, but appeal to a more particular audience than the casual shopper who might drop into our bookstore in E.P. Foster or our book sales.
We have items listed in the categories of Art, Architecture & Photography,Vintage & Collectible and Manga & Graphic Novels. You can see examples below. We invite you to browse — the site is updated weekly. Purchases can be picked up at E.P. Foster Library whenever our bookstore is open — you’ll receive an email letting you know when your order is ready — in as few as 2 days!
The link to our online store is: https://venturafol-107753.square.site/s/shop